1st Day Spot Lights
We sponsored a educational kit to a needy child handovered by MJF Lion chellappan,past district governor in the inagural fuction of Diamond Jubilee Projects.
We provided a water purifier to thiruvalluvar gurukulam elementary school handovered by PMJF Lion PL.A.Subramaniyan,past district governor in the inaugural function.
We conducted a blood donation camp along with victory blood bank.Our DC Lion Lr.J.Karthick Babu,Zone chairman,Council secretary,Council treasurer,and our boys Leo co-ordinator made their presence.
Our Parent club President Lion V.Dharmarajan intiated the camp.And our college boys and girls actively participated in the camp.
We organised seed plantation programme in our hostel campus initiated by our District Chairperson PMJF Lion Lr.J.Karthick Babu along with zone chairperson,council secretary,council treasurer,and our boys Leo co-ordinator.
2nd Day Spot Lights
We went on forming Human Chain around the Colloge campus for the cause of International World Peace Day.
Personality Development seminar was conducted for the final year students of computer science in our college auditorium.
Lion S.Veeresh Babu was the resource person.
We released AIDS-awareness pamplet in New Member Induction meeting of our parent club.
The first release was accepted by PMJF Lion Ashok Kumar Chordia,Past District Governor.And we distributed the pmplet to all other distinguished Lion Guests.
We initiated a Illiterate Senior citizen Education Programme in Inamkulathur, one of the village adopted by our college.
We organised Exhibition cum Sales Program by AIMSS and Mannarpuram Blind School,Trichy in our College campus.Exibhitted by Mentally Challenged.
3rd Day Spot Lights
We contributed EIGHTY free Sapplings to our College staff members.
We Openned a Library in the name of our Club in
Al-Huda orphanage.
We paid a visit to a Government Hospital,Trichy.
Provided sweets and fruits
for them.
And also Prayed and gave a boost for their recovery.
We conducted self empolyment seminar to our Anti-Dowry association students of our college by Mr.N.Kanagasabapathi,proprietor,R.K.Metal industries and M.Malliga,vice-president of Human Enterprenuer Association of Tamil nadu .
We visited AIIMS mentally challenged home and provided them basic necessities.
We conducted an inter-department competition to our college students(aptitude,ad-mock,for and against,extempore,and stress interview).
4th Day Spot Lights
We paid a visit to St.ANNEYS mentally challenged home in Irungallur.
And also provided them some Basic nessacities to them.
We organized a seminar on service motivation for NSS volunteers by Mr.Rajandran,Muthu Trust Marutha,Trichy.
We organised a seminar on Excellence in Life to our colege students by Lion M.Thiruvalluvar,senior deputy general manager,BHEL.
We conducted a avioding Rally on Pollution control and for the usage of plastic.PMJF Lion Lr.J.Karthick Babu,District Chairperson,initiated the rally by flagging it on.
We distributed 5000 free paper bags to shops in central bus stand to control the usage of plastic.
We organised a Blood Pressure camp to the inmates in our hostel.
5th Day Spot Lights
We organised a seminar on Global Warming to our leo club boys and girls.Mr.A.Alexander, executive director,greens biodiversity santuary,trichy.
We organised a seminar on Importance of Internet for Crea Matriculation school students
We oraganised Helpline posters sticking programme in chatram bus stand.
We provided a fund box in our hostel campus for sponsoring the educational aid to a needy child.
We organised a Bamboo tree plantation programme in Nalam hospital.
6th Day SpotLights
Our LEO club advisor Ms.B.Deepa and our members gave their acceptance for organ donation.
The certificate of their acceptance was handed over by our District Chairperson Lion Lr.J.Karthick Babu.
We did a joined project with the Lions Club of Dindigul.
We released our 2nd edition of our official bulletin"PEARLS OF JAMAL" for our diamond jubliee projects.Our beloved District Chairperson PMJF Lion Lr.J.Karthick babu released the 1st copy of the bulletin.